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2020 Buyer/Seller Activity Update

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Most of the world — including our local real estate market — was rocked by sudden closure at the tail end of the first quarter. But what can we expect going forward as many cities and states begin to open up again? We take a look at overall buying and selling activity pre-COVID in our first quarter update to try to understand what to expect as we move into summer.

Drayton Saunders, President of Michael Saunders & Company, discusses the quarter’s overall performance, how the last 45 days will shape the next quarter for buyers and sellers, and the extraordinary measures local real estate agents are taking to provide customers peace of mind and guidance. 



For market information specific to your neighborhood and general guidance, we encourage you to reach out to one of our local market experts. 

Weekly updates surrounding COVID-19 and the real estate market recovery can be found on the MSC Blog under COVID-19 Update: Resources and Information.

2020 Buyer/Seller Activity Update was last modified: May 8th, 2020 by Michael Saunders

